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Elderly Bathroom Remodel

Elderly Bathroom Remodel | Top Tips

Elderly Bathroom Remodel | Top Tips

Are you concerned for the safety of yourself or a senior relative when using the bathroom? An elderly bathroom remodel can ensure that you or your loved one can safely bathe themselves & use the toilet comfortably everyday. 

The bathroom is a tricky place to navigate when your mobility is restricted – Stepping in and out of the bath or shower, lowering oneself onto the toilet, and moving around on a slippery floor, all pose a number of risks which can lead to serious injury. 

However, with a few adaptations, it can be remodelled into a safe and enjoyable space. We have put together this guide to offer you some top tips & features to think about when considering an elderly bathroom remodel. 


It makes sense to start from the bottom up, so we’ll begin with the flooring. For obvious reasons bathroom floors can get very slippery, which is especially dangerous for elderly & disabled people. When remodelling your bathroom to make it safe for the elderly, it is therefore imperative that the floor is made of a non-slip material.

Depending on the style of your bathroom, different flooring materials can be used to reduce the risk of slipping. These may be ceramics, cementitious boards, epoxy, or rubberized floors. Anti-slip mats can also be placed in your bath or shower cubicle.

Non-slip flooring is an essential safety feature, which is why at Age Care Bathrooms we include it as standard with all mobility bathroom installations. 

An additional top tip is to use contrasting colours, for example if the walls or the floor contrast with the sanitary ware, to avoid confusion if a persons vision is impaired. 

non slip bathroom floor

Safety Grab Bars 

Grab bars are an essential safety feature for any elderly bathroom remodel. For complete assurance, the metal bars should be professionally installed and tightly secured to the walls.

Typically, grab bars should be positioned on the wall next to the toilet, as well as the bath or shower area. Depending on the size and layout of the room, these may also need to be placed in areas where there are large empty spaces, to assist movement around the room. 

As the name suggests, grab bars give the elderly user something secure to hold onto for balance. If placed in the right areas, they make using the bathroom a much safer and more comfortable experience for those with limited mobility. 


In addition to grab bars, a raised toilet seat can also make it easier for an elderly person to sit down and get themselves back up. Raised toilet seats can help to minimize difficulties and reduce the risk of injury. The additional height provided by a raised toilet or adaptive aids provide an effective solution.

raised toilet for elderly

Use Faucets With Levers

Lever faucets are easier to use than twisty taps, which can come in very useful as you get older and lose dexterity in your hands. 

We have access to a wide range of easy-to-use bathroom faucets which can be installed in your home. Get in touch if you would like to learn more about our mobility bathroom adaptations.

tap with lever

First Floor Access

If you or your elderly relative struggles with getting up and down the stairs, your home should have at least one elderly friendly bathroom on the first floor. If you don’t have a downstairs bathroom, you may wish to consider contacting a specialist elderly bathrooms company to add one, or installing a chair lift for easier access to the second floor.

Easy Access Showers

A traditional shower in a bathtub or cubicle presents accessibility issues for an elderly user with limited mobility and balance. If there is a raised level or bathtub side to climb over, this can pose a risk of serious injury when added to an already slippery surface. 

A walk in shower or level access shower can be installed to overcome these issues. These are the complete solution for showering independently and safely.

Walk-in showers are a stylish and practical solution for disabled and elderly users. They come in a range of different styles, but typically have a small, shallow step, making for easy access in and out.

A level access shower, also known as a wet room, offers completely unrestricted access to the shower area, with no lip or tray at all to step into. They are especially recommended for wheelchair users, as they allow you to enter and exit the shower entirely unassisted. 

Shower seats can be added to your walk in shower or level access shower, for further ease & comfort while showering. 

If you would like to speak to an expert to learn more about walk in showers and level access showers, get in touch with our team today. 

Walk-in Baths

Do you prefer a bath instead of a shower? If you are finding it difficult to get in and out of the tub, this does not mean that you can no longer enjoy a relaxing warm bath. 

Walk in baths make it easy for people of all ages and levels of mobility to enter and exit the bathtub. They have a very low entry step, with inward opening doors that lead into a level access slip-resistant base. For further ease and comfort, a power seat can be added to lift & lower you down into the tub, as well as a number of other safety features.

Age Care Bathrooms are specialist suppliers and installers of walk in baths. If you would like to learn more about the available options, get in touch with our team today

Speak To An Expert

Our experienced team can help you remodel your bathroom to make it safe and comfortable to use, based on your unique mobility requirements. In addition to all essential safety features, we can provide you with a stylish solution that complements the decor of your home. An elderly bathroom remodel does not mean that looks must be compromised! 

If you’d like to learn more, or arrange your free home visit and consultation, get in touch today. Call us on 0800 808 5897 or click here to fill out an enquiry form online.

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